I am convinced that the greatest works that the Lord does in our lives comes through periods of intense suffering. Everything in the natural has a spiritual parallel to it. Think of a woman as she begins to give birth to a new baby. Life is within her; Up to this point, it has been growing and preparing to come forth into newness of life. She has went through a season of many months of various forms of pains, sickness, and sufferings in order to receive this precious new gift. Just prior to the arrival of the new baby, the symptoms of pregnancy intensify, and then comes the appointed time of labor. The demand that is put upon the woman's body is so great that many undesirable changes begin to happen. She is stretched and in great pain as a doorway for the new infant is being made. There will be many hours of turmoil in her body and mind. She may even feel contempt and anger toward her very husband that had blessed her by planting this new life within her. Suddenly, the new life springs forth, and all of the pain, agony, and suffering of mind and body are gone. The promise has arrived.
I am convinced that the greatest works that the Lord does in our lives come from periods of intense suffering. I believe that it is the spiritual parallel to giving birth. Whenever we experience seasons of sorrow and suffering in our lives, God is birthing something great within us. We may not always be able to recognize it for what it is because of the intense warfare that our spirit, mind, and body goes through. Sorrow and suffering are not very popular to us Christians, and at times they even appear to us to be our enemy, however, they are actually our friends. They shape us, break us, build us, yield us, and mold us into the image of Christ. Just like the baby will come out resembling it's parents, we begin to take on the reflection of our maker.
Heb. 5:8 says, "Although he was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which he suffered." Even Jesus learned to obey God in order to fulfill his destiny... via suffering. As Christians, we are commanded to be Christ-like, and along with this is being a partaker of His sufferings. Jesus said, "Take up your cross, and follow me." We have to be submitted and yielded to suffer with Him. We must not grow angry with Him when sorrow & suffering comes, but must deem it an honor to be counted worthy to partake in His sufferings. If we are His sons and daughters, there will be times that we will taste of suffering and sorrow, however, they will be the very catalyst that propels us into living life in the Spirit instead of staying in that cozy little womb of the natural. They will cause us to spring forth in the things that he has planned for us. Suffering & sorrow are always a doorway into a new season of life. It's time to come out of that womb of comfort, and into the life that we were created for. When we enter that new season, we will forget the pain of the suffering of the past season until God decides to birth something new in us again. He will take us from glory to glory for the purpose of bringing glory to Him.
Just like the baby who comes out of the natural womb of it's mother and into the unknown, it is time for the Body of Christ to come out of the comfortable womb of the natural world and begin to walk by faith in the Spiritual realm of the unknown. Miracles, healings, signs, wonders, and great exploits exist in that realm. When we begin to walk in that realm as the early church did, multitudes will flock to JESUS, and they will recognize Him as Lord. He will be exalted, and Him alone, for the people will know that no man or woman could do these things.