About 3 and a half years the Lord began to give me a vision of the body of Christ as if they were a person in a very deep sleep. I heard an alarm with a long, deep, drawn out, yet loud ...bommmpt....bommmpt...bommmpt... It was steady and persistent, yet the body was just lying there as if it were dead. No movement, no arousing of the sleep whatsoever. The Lord began to speak to me about this visual that He was giving me. He shared with me that His body was in a very deep & sound sleep. The alarm was sounding, but rather than awaking, the body was actually being lullabied into a deeper sleep by the very sound of the alarm. Being led by the Lord to do so, I began to teach & preach about this revelation that I knew God was giving me, and everywhere I turned, I began to hear many other ministers preaching about the alarm that was being sounded, therefore, this was confirmation to me that this was a message for the whole body of Christ.
Moving forward a couple of years... the next thing that I began to hear from the Lord was, "Anything that can be shaken...will be shaken." Everywhere I looked, there was turmoil in lives, marriages, finances, families, ministries, health, and trust me... I didn't have to look very far. There was a very strange attack that had begun in just about every area of our lives. It was evident...We were being shaken! Shaken from our wonderful comfort zone that we had created and loved. It didn't feel good either. As a matter of fact, I did not like it at all! We can be sure that God will allow the enemy to attack us so that He Himself can turn those very attacks around for our good. He desires nothing but the very best for us, and He will use even the worst situations that we can encounter in life to bring about His purposes for us. I don't ask for these visuals from God, but I get them anyway. I saw a vision of God just shaking us and junk just falling off. We were not rising up on our own, therefore, it was high time for Him to wake us Himself! Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have things that are hidden even to us that may not even seem harmful, they may not even seem to be a negative factor in our lives, they truly may not even be "bad" things, but can seriously keep us from walking in the fullness of His plan for us. God will even physically reinforce what He is speaking to us. As an example, I went & bought some new praise & worship music that I had never heard before. I love Juanita Bynum. She is one of my favorite artists so I purchased an older c.d. of hers. I put it in the disc player as I got into my car, & this song began to play..."Shake us again." The whole song repeatedly emphasizes a shakin going on...for a purpose. Do you think God was speaking to me? I think He is speaking to many of us!
A shaking from God in general just does not feel good. We can fight Him, as long as we decide to, but He is the Almighty, and He will have His way. He does not want us to stay in the comfort of our sleep, but He desires that we be productive. Not just appear to be productive, but to truly be productive. He is always pushing us forward in greatness. Many times, we will not step out of our comfort zones & step into what God is calling us to do unless we experience a shaking from God. I have recently had another visual from God which is in line with what happens after the shaking. I will share it with you, but you will have to read it...tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!
Awesome.. Looking forward to reading your blogs !! My spirit bares witness sister. God is shaking us and has been for a litle while now.. But praise God is is shaking off the old ways of our flesh and teaching us to die ourselves.